Customer Service, clothes for hire, little white lies and the very fragrant Mark Constantine hit the headlines this week.
When it comes to customer service sometimes we might set our expectations a little higher than is reasonable however at The Business Community we think customer service is about exceeding expectation rather than fall wide of the mark. Heather shares her recent experience of a flower buying ballyhoo and Tracy tells all about Apple and their Covid customer service coup.
In other news it seems that some of our staff are telling porky pies at work and we discuss when a little white lie becomes a corker, we checkout why Selfridges are starting to hire out clothing to save the planet and we revisit the case of commercial property and turnover based rent reviews. Meanwhile there’s trouble ahead for supply chain companies who grow crops on illegally deforested land (who knew such practice was even going on?).
Under review this week is a noise app that aims to improve productivity for homeworkers by playing ambient background noise of the office. If you miss the whirr of the printer or the chatter of the keyboard or even if listening to the sound of an unanswered phone makes you feel ‘at home’ this might be for you. Failing that, if working from home is making your head swim then maybe the sound of ocean to soothe you to sleep will help visit for more information. Meanwhile Tracy talks about the VUCA world in 2020 and what it means for business.
And finally we turn our attention to the founder of one of the largest cosmetics companies in the world Mark Constantine, the man behind Lush the most fragrant shop on the high street (apart from Burger King). If you wondered what the fuss is all about there’s more to the business that meets the eye.
Find out what Constantine felt about the Corovavirus lockdown and discover more about his grass roots in this interview with the Big Issue.
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